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Motorcycle Accidents

Freedom is an ideal Americans hold dear, and no vehicle embodies it more clearly than the motorcycle. America’s love affair with the motorcycle began with the Indian Motocycle Company in the early 1900’s, continued through both World Wars, and still carries on to this day. However, one portion of American business seems not to share this affection, and that is the insurance industry.


Many people are not familiar with MVAIC, the Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnity Company. It is a company formed by New York State that can provide some limited coverage for driver injuries if you have an accident with a vehicle that has no, or not enough, insurance coverage of its own. However, MVAIC refuses to cover people injured in motorcycle accidents. That mentality – that motorcycle riders are somehow less deserving of coverage for their injuries – pervades the entire insurance industry.


It is not a view shared by the Law Offices of Theodore A. Naima, P.C. We believe that your injuries have nothing to do with what vehicle you’re driving. We represent people, not vehicles. We represent motorcycle riders and passengers with the same strength and thoroughness we provide to all our clients, as it should be.


Don’t be treated as a second-class citizen just because you need to get your “knees in the breeze.” If you or a loved one is injured in a motorcycle accident, don’t let the insurance companies tell you that you don’t deserve the same coverage that everyone else does. Contact the Law Offices of Theodore A. Naima, P.C. for your free, no obligation consultation and case evaluation, and let us stand for you where the rubber meets the road. 

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